The UC Davis Center for Poverty & Inequality Research
mission is to facilitate non-partisan academic research on
poverty in the U.S., disseminate this research, and train
the next generation of poverty scholars. Our research agenda
includes four themed areas of focus: labor markets and poverty,
children and intergenerational transmission of poverty, the
non-traditional safety net, and immigration.
Though racial disparities in infant health conditions have persisted for decades, evidence regarding their long-term consequences has been limited. In a recent study, I used administrative data from Texas and the shift to Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) to examine the later effects of prenatal MMC on key schooling outcomes.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides EBT benefits redeemable for healthful foods for low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant/postpartum women and young children. In a recent study, we found evidence of a new form of benefit redemption cycle in WIC, different from that seen with Food Stamps.
The UC Davis Center for Poverty & Inequality Research (CPIR) in
collaboration with 14 California HSIs, invites current
undergraduates to register for the Broadening Participation in
Social Inequality Research (BPSIR) summer program, which
introduces students from these institutions to inequality and
social policy research sciences and helps them develop knowledge
and skills for successful graduate school application,
enrollment, and completion.
During periods of drought, water-conservation efforts and
water-supply management can have significant impacts on
agricultural livelihoods. In a recent study[1] of farmers in
California’s Central San Joaquin Valley, we sought to understand
how and why farmers facing significant water shortages make
livelihood decisions, and how such decisions are affected by
broader socio-political contexts.
August 26, 2024
Letters and Science Magazine
By Alex Russell
Dominic Arreola started taking classes in Chinese in community
college. He quickly gained a passion for the language and the
culture, and by the time he transferred CSU Long Beach he was
steeped in the history and tensions between China and the United
States. He worried more and more about the potential for
ROCKY Hill, Conn.—Some of the country’s savviest economic trend
predictors spend all day answering call-center phones.
Operators at 211 emergency helplines raised alarm bells about
a baby formula shortage ahead of the headlines about
empty shelves. And they knew that families were defaulting on
their mortgages before the subprime collapse in
In 2022, Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency(HHSA)
launched the Yolo County Basic Income (YOBI)project and engaged
the UC Davis Center for Regional Change to evaluate the project
via the collection of survey data from YOBI participants. The
YOBI project was designed to address the county’s poverty, which
is ~25%higher than the California rate reported in the 2021
COVID-19 May Have Been Job Related for One Fourth of
Diagnosed Adults
We catch COVID-19 from each other. The fewer people we
the safer we will be. Our desire for fewer encounters was
especially apparent in employment arrangements during the first
two and a half years
of the pandemic. Most workers whom employers allowed to work from
home did so; most whose employers did not allow this reported to
their workplaces.
Objectives: To test for the effects of wages on smoking using
labor unions as instrumental variables. Methods: We analyzed four
waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (2013 to 2019
alternate years). The overall sample included workers aged 18 to
70 years in 2013 and subsamples within blue clerical/white-collar
and private/public sector jobs (N = 37,117 to 8446 person years).
We used two instrumental variables: worker’s union membership and
states’ right-to-work laws.
Dani Sandler is a principal economist at the U.S. Census Bureau’s
Center for Economic Studies, where she leads research efforts,
supports collaborative projects, and develops statistical
products. With over a decade of experience at the Census Bureau,
Dani has held various roles, including FSRDC administrator and
research economist. She currently facilitates partnerships
between the U.S. Census Bureau, Princeton’s Evictions Lab, and
the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
I’m interested in understanding how structural adversities impact
the educational achievement and wellbeing of marginalized
children. I also focus on how school policies, practices, and
programs can support the wellbeing of vulnerable youth
populations, including children in the foster care system and
those facing schooling-related challenges like chronic
absenteeism and bullying.
I am primarily interested in the connections between
schooling and social inequality. In addition to the
Department of Sociology, I am also on the faculty of the Graduate
Group in Education.
A major question that motivates Erin’s research is how inequality
is generated and/or changed through migration and the policies
that regulate migration. Erin has studied:
Children’s development of self-regulation and behavior problems,
how they relate to parents’ mental health and parenting, and
their contributions to mental illness in childhood and
Briana Ballis is currently an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Economics at the University of California-Merced.
Her research interests are in labor economics. Much of her work
focuses on studying the determinants of inequality in education.
Through her work, she seeks to better understand how individuals’
educational investment decisions are shaped by their environments
and backgrounds, and, in particular how policies or programs that
impact vulnerable youth can sere to reduce (or exacerbate)
pre-existing gaps in later life.
Katheryn Russ has expertise in open-economy macroeconomics and
international trade policy. She is a faculty research associate
in the National Bureau of Economic Research International Trade
and Investment Group and Co-Organizer of the International Trade
and Macroeconomics Working Group. She is a Non-Resident Senior
Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and
served as Senior Economist for International Trade and Finance
for the White House Council of Economic Advisors 2015-16.
Robert Faris uses social network analysis to investigate how
health risk behaviors, including bullying, dating violence,
substance use, and delinquency, spread through social ties and
are structured in the social hierarchies of schools.
His recent work shows that adolescents bully their own friends,
as well as schoolmates with whom they share friends, to achieve
higher social status, and examines the moderating role of network
stability in this dynamic.
Rose Kagawa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Emergency Medicine. Dr. Kagawa conducts research on violence
prevention and firearm policy and has particular interest in
understanding how social and environmental contexts influence
violence perpetration and victimization through the life course.
Dr. Au’s research involves the assessment of dietary intakes and
the food environment for the prevention of obesity in low-income,
racially diverse infants and children. Her focus is on
understanding how to promote healthier eating and prevent obesity
in federal nutrition assistance programs, such as the Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
and the National School Lunch Program.
Noli Brazil received his doctorate in Demography from the
University of California Berkeley in 2013, and is an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Human Ecology. His research and
teaching interests focus on the causes and consequences of
neighborhood inequality. Current research projects include
examining the interactions between neighborhoods and schools,
understanding the determinants of residential mobility and
attainment during young adulthood, and Hispanic US internal
Dr. Falbe’s research focuses on studying programmatic, policy,
and environmental interventions to prevent chronic disease and
reduce health disparities. Dr. Falbe led an evaluation of the
nation’s first soda tax in Berkeley, California. Her research has
also examined primary care nutrition and physical activity
interventions for youth, healthy retail programs, and
multi-sector community interventions to prevent obesity. Dr.
Falbe received a dual doctorate in Nutrition and Epidemiology in
2013 from Harvard University.
Gail Goodman received her degree in Developmental Psychology from
UCLA in 1977. Her areas of research expertise include welfare
recipients, foster care, and the intergenerational transmission
of attachment insecurity.
Marianne Page is a Professor of Economics and
Co-Director of the Center for Poverty & Inequality Research
at UC Davis. She has authored numerous scholarly articles
focusing on low-income families. A labor economist, she is
an expert on intergenerational mobility and equality of
opportunity in the United States. She has also published on
issues related to the U.S.
1138 Social Sciences & Humanities Building
Davis, CA
Leticia Saucedo received her degree, cum laude, from
Harvard Law School in 1996. Her research centers on employment
and immigration law, immigrants in low-wage workplaces and the
structural dynamics affecting their entry.
Lisa Pruitt’s areas of research include legal and policy
implications of income inequality along the rural-urban continuum
and legal aspects of declining mobility, with an emphasis on
diminishing access to higher education.
Michal Kurlaender’s work focuses on education policy and
evaluation, particularly practices that address existing
racial/ethnic and socioeconomic inequality at various stages of
the educational attainment process.
Ross A. Thompson’s research focuses on the applications of
developmental research to public policy concerns, including
school readiness and its development, early childhood
investments, and early mental health.
Paul Hastings received his degree from the University of Toronto.
His research focuses on the impact of stressors on child and
adolescent well-being, and the effects of poverty on
physiological reactivity, regulation and development of mental
and physical health problems.
Dr. Arline T. Geronimus is a renowned public health researcher,
professor, and author of Weathering: The Extraordinary
Stress of Ordinary Life in an Unjust Society, called a
“monumental” book by Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to be an