The California Education Lab is a collaborative group of
researchers investigating important questions of education policy
and practice in California. Much of our work focuses on
understanding how young adults are prepared for, transition into,
and succeed in college.
The Center for Mind and Brain (CMB) is devoted to supporting the
collaborative work of world-class scientists from a broad
spectrum of disciplines encompassing divergent social,
biological, computational and medical perspectives.
The Migration Research Cluster is a research network bringing
together Economists, Sociologists, Political Scientists,
Historians, Demographers and Law Scholars working on issues
related to international migrants and migration. The Cluster was
founded in 2013 with the help of an IFHA grant from UC Davis and
has operated since then developing innovative multi-disciplinary
research to study issues linked to the determinants and
consequences of International Migrations.
The goal of this UCOP-funded pilot program on Child Health,
Poverty and Public Policy is to lay the foundation for a UC-wide
network of scholars who are committed to rigorous cross-training
in multiple disciplinary-specific skills and “languages” that are
necessary to produce a comprehensive understanding of the
mechanisms by which health and nutrition programs (e.g.
The University of California Center at Sacramento (UCCS) advances
the University’s mission of teaching, research and public service
with an integrated program to train future state leaders, to
address challenging public-policy issues confronted by the nation
and state, and to carry out the University’s mandate to assist
state government. Located one block from the State Capitol
Building, UCCS offers events and seminars, as well as distinctive
academic programs in public policy and public-affairs journalism
to students from throughout the university’s 10-campus system.
These programs provide students with an opportunity to study
through seminars and internships in and around the state Capitol.