Areas of Concentrated Poverty (ACS)
These Census Bureau report analyzes demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of census tracts by categorizing the tracts based on their poverty levels. Tracts with poverty rates of 20% or more are considered “poverty areas”. Recent reports draw data from the America Community Survey and older data come the the Census long form.
Frequency and Timespan: Reports issued irregularly, data for the the period 1990 to 2010
Geographic level of coverage: Estimates of concentrated poverty for states and regions
Publications available online
U.S. Census Bureau, Changes in
Areas with Concentrated Poverty: 2000-2010. American Community
Survey Briefs ACS-27 (PDF)
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2014.
Accessed 10/9/2014
U.S. Census Bureau, Areas with
Concentrated Poverty: 2006-2010. American Community Survey Briefs
ACSBR/10-17 (PDF)
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2011.
Accessed 7/16/2013
U.S. Census Bureau. Poverty Areas.
Statistical Brief, June 1995 (HTML)
Accessed 8/9/2013
U.S. Census Bureau. Areas with Concentrated Poverty: 1999. Census
2000 Special Reports CENS-16 (PDF) U.S
Government Printing Office Washington, DC, 2005. Accessed
Concentration of Poverty in the New Millennium
This report, authored by Paul A. Jargowsky, compares the 2000 census data with the 2007-11 American Community Survey (ACS), revealing the extent to which concentrated poverty has returned to, and in some ways exceeded, the previous peak level in 1990.
Frequency and Timespan: One-time report covering 1990 to the present
Geographic level of coverage: Estimates of concentrated poverty for states and regions, some local area data
Publication available online
Jargowsky, Paul A. Concentration of Poverty in the New
Millennium: Changes in Prevalence, Composition, and Location of
High Poverty Neighborhoods (PDF).
The New Century Fund and Rutgers Center for Urban Research and
Education, 2013. Accessed 10/9/2014
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