The long-term impacts of the Affordable Care Act may be wider
than its goal of providing affordable care for all. This new law
can also have broader impacts than access to care.
Public insurance can provide needed medical coverage for those
who cannot afford it. Considering that private insurance is often
bound to employment, a public option could have an impact on the
labor market if it reduces incentives to work.
In this presentation, Robin Affrime discusses the impact the
Affordable Care Act can have on community clinics that currently
serve uninsured and poor populations. Affrime is CEO of
CommuniCare Health Centers.
In this presentation, Ron Chapman describes the Affordable Care
Act’s impact on public health, health equity and public health
services. Chapman is the Director of the California Department of
Public Health.
In this presentation, Tom DeLeire discusses his research on how
the Affordable Care Act might affect how much childless adults
use health care. DeLeire is a Professor of Public Policy at
Georgetown University.
Sarah Miller presented her findings that the 2006 state health
reform in Massachusetts led to higher credit scores, fewer
bankruptcies and reduced delinquency on debt payments statewide.
Miller is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar in Health
Policy Research at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Laura Schmidt presented her case study on the resurgent health
care system in post-Katrina New Orleans.
Schmidt is a Professor of Health Policy in the School of Medicine
at the University of California at San Francisco. She is also
Co-director of the Community Engagement and Health Policy Program
for UCSF’s Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute.
One in five children in the United States is the child of
immigrants. These new Americans, most of whom are U.S. citizens,
are more than twice as likely as children of natives to have no
health insurance. Prior research has shown that differences in
income or employment between native and immigrant parents do not
account for the disparity in coverage.