UC Network on Child Health, Poverty, and Public Policy

The goal of this UCOP-funded pilot program on Child Health, Poverty and Public Policy is to lay the foundation for a UC-wide network of scholars who are committed to rigorous cross-training in multiple disciplinary-specific skills and “languages” that are necessary to produce a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms by which health and nutrition programs (e.g. Medicaid, SNAP, WIC) improve poor children’s life chances.   Our activities will facilitate knowledge exchange between economists, psychologists, MD/PHD’s, sociologists, epidemiologists, nutritional scientists and others, with the goal of generating innovative research, and training graduate students to do research that speaks across fields.  In addition to building two-way relationships across campuses and fields, we aim to deepen connections between UC researchers and policymakers.


List of Affiliates
UC Network on Child Health, Poverty, and Policy

The network is composed of nationally recognized and emerging experts on child health and public policy, who are committed to advancing knowledge through cross-disciplinary approaches. In addition to an extensive group of affiliates, each college has a site lead that provides outreach to their campus colleagues and advisory input.


2019-2020 Graduate Student Training Grants Recipients

In November 2019, the UC Network on Child Health, Poverty and Public Policy requested proposals from graduate students for its 2019-2020 Small Grants Competition. The network seeks to fund research that will expand our understanding of the causes and consequences of child health disparities, and the effectiveness of related interventions.  The goal of this program is to fund proposals that display sound research design and have the potential for high impact.  Learn more about the selected students below.


Past UC Network Events

February 27, 2020 | Sacramento, CA
Child Poverty and Health in California: What Do We Know, and How Can we Put Research into Action?
Co-Sponsored by the UC Center Sacramento

September 4-6, 2020 | Berkeley, CA
UC Network Summer School
Co-Sponsored by the UC Davis World Food Center