Event UC Center Sacramento, 1130 K St LL22, Sacramento, CA 95814

California’s Vulnerable Children: What do We Know about Child Poverty and Health in California and How Can We Put Research into Action?
Co-hosted by the UC Network on Child Health, Poverty and Public Policy & the UC Center Sacramento

Learn more about each session and the presenters below:

Developmental Health, Policies and Practices
In light of California’s ACEs Aware Initiative, this session will provide academic research insights on policies that aim to improve children’s developmental health, and long term economic outcomes.
Leah Hibel, UC Davis
Greg Duncan, UC Irvine
Sonja Petek, Legislative Analyst’s Office

Parental Leave and Early Child Care
This session will discuss the effects of paid family leave on maternal and child health and the labor market outcomes of parents with a focus on evidence from California’s Paid Family Leave program. Speakers will also discuss the effects of access to early-life childcare on children’s health and development, and some issues surrounding inequality in access to high-quality childcare in the US.
Jenna Stearns, UC Davis
Angela Ponivas, CA DSS Services Office of Child Abuse Prevention

Income Interventions and Child Health
The U.S. social safety net provides cash or near cash benefits that effectively raise family incomes and reduce child poverty. This session will focus on what we know about the effects of these programs on child health in the short and longer run, with particular emphasis on the health effects of the Earned income Tax Credit, cash welfare and Calfresh program.
Hilary Hoynes, UC Berkeley
Natasha Nicolai, CA DSS Research, Automation, and Data Division

Health Care and Unauthorized Immigrant Children in California
This session will provide a synthesis of research findings on the health care of unauthorized immigrant children and highlight new findings from a large scale prenatal care intervention that expanded Medicaid eligibility to pregnant undocumented immigrants.
Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
Laura Wherry, UC Los Angeles
Shannon McConville, Public Policy Institute of California

Panel: Integrating Research and Policies
Elizabeth Linos, UC Berkeley
Rohit Naimpally, J-PAL
Giannina Perez, Office of the Governor
Hilary Seligman, UC San Francisco
Heather Wooten, Onside Partners

A continental breakfast will be served during registration from 8:30-8:50am.