
2023-24 UC Davis Humanities and Social Sciences S.E.E.D. Fund Program
Call for Proposals and Application Guidelines

The UC Davis Office of Research is pleased to announce the launch of the UC Davis Humanities and Social Sciences Stimulating Exceptional and Essential Discovery (S.E.E.D.) Funding Program, which aims to provide awards that support research activity historically underfunded and outside of STEM fields. This call is open to researchers in all Humanities, Humanistic Social Sciences, Cultural Sciences and Arts disciplines. Projects may be in any related field, and requests at all scales of funding within the limits of the call will be considered. In order for social sciences applications to be eligible, they must employ predominantly humanistic approaches and qualitative/interpretive methodologies. Social and Behavioral Sciences funded by NIH/NSF are not eligible for this call. Researchers who received funding through the CRAFT 2.0 and the College of Letters and Science Revitalization Research Program Grants are not eligible to receive funding from this call.