Community Violence and Early Childhood Language Development: The Moderating Role of Maternal Efficacy and Satisfaction
Agustina Laurito, University of Illinois Chicago
Abstract: This paper estimates the effect of community-level
homicides on language development in early childhood. It also
explores whether maternal efficacy and satisfaction moderate this
relationship. It uses data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal
Survey of Chilean children and their mothers matched to municipal
level homicides. The empirical strategy exploits variation in the
timing of survey data collection and municipal-level
homicides in models with municipality fixed effects. We find
that children in municipalities with homicides one month before
the language assessment score between 2 and 4 points lower on the
test compared to children in the same municipality but for whom
homicides happened one month after the assessment. Maternal
efficacy and satisfaction both moderate this relationship, but
maternal satisfaction plays a more salient role. Language losses
are larger for children whose mothers have weaker
satisfaction. Among these children, homicides one month
before the assessment lower scores by 4 to 7 points. By examining
a context in which homicides are growing but still relatively
low, this paper provides evidence that community violence does
not need to be extreme or very localized to negatively affect
child development. It also adds to the body of work that shows
the interactions of various social settings are essential to
shape child development.
Speaker Bio: Agustina Laurito is an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Public Administration. She is an applied
policy researcher who uses administrative and survey data and
quasi experimental methods to answer questions at the
intersection of social, education, and health policy. Agustina is
broadly interested in how adverse experiences affect children and
families and the role of public policy in ameliorating these
effects. Among her current projects, she studies food assistance
programs, and SNAP in particular, neighborhood crime and
children, and more recently the effect of the opioid crisis on
children and families. Agustina is also interested in immigrant
families and children and her projects in this area investigate
the role of non-school factors, including the home country, in
shaping immigrant children academic success and well-being.