Article Jacob Hibel

Pandemic learning loss in California: Who are the most impacted after COVID-19 forced virtual learning?
CPIR Co-Director Jacob Hibel quoted by KCRA

October 28, 2022

A historic learning loss was reported this week, showing the impacts of virtual learning during the pandemic. Nearly 500,000 fourth and eighth graders took tests nationwide and while no single state saw an increase in test scores, Black and Latino students were hit the hardest.

California’s 2022 Smarter Balanced assessment from tests taken in the Spring of 2022 showed a decline in English Language Arts and Math score testing.

Results for Northern California school districts showed dips from 2.91% to 8.18%.

The main takeaway is that there was significant learning loss.

While every district in the state saw a decline, experts say even when students are in person, they’re not all impacted the same.

“Children who tend to demonstrate higher performance have more resources outside of school. When it comes to standardized test scores, we can predict student test scores fairly accurately just by looking at the source of resources that they have at home,” said Jacob Hibel, co-director of the Center for Poverty & Inequality Research at UC Davis.