Quartz, August 15, 2016
If US presidential candidate Donald Trump wants an immigration system that works for Americans, he might want to consider one with far fewer restrictions than he’s proposing.
Immigrants don’t cause high unemployment. In fact, a century of data suggests Trump has both his chronology and his causation reversed—it shows that a thriving US job market causes immigration to rise.
Trump was also mistaken in his assertion that higher immigration results in lower wages for Americans. In fact, the opposite is true, asQuartz has noted before. In a 2012 study (pdf), economic professors Gianmarco Ottaviano of the London School of Economics and Giovanni Peri of the University of California, Davis, found that immigration in the US between 1990 and 2006 improved the salaries of native-born workers on average by 0.6%. The study also looked specifically at native-born workers with no high school degree, the slice of the US population that is commonly thought of as being most vulnerable to competition from immigrant labor, and found that in their case, too, there was a small, positive impact (between 0.6% and 1.7%) on the wages of native-born workers.
Read the full article at Quartz.
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